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Turkish local workshop 18/12/2022
In our activity, which was arranged to connect adult individuals to life with artistic competences, we aimed to develop the phenomenon of self-confidence in adults. Our primary purpose was to create self-confidence and a sense of usefulness for these people by bringing together individuals for social isolation. Different generations needed to work together, develop their joint working skills and take responsibility in the group as responsible. By making it fun, we learned to overcome our differences, such as age, physical deficiencies, dialect, and accent.
This activity is tested with adult individuals in one of our international meetings. It was essential to see the results obtained after the implementation of the case with the local participants to see if we could get the same or expected results we got at the international meeting.. It was directed by our Polish partner, and as a good workshop activity, it is in our Toolkit. (act.2 page 12 by the Polish team).
Total participated nine learners from various generations.
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